EL-Totuoma Weld School (EWS) has a state-of-the-art facility that is dedicated to training aspiring welding educators, industry leaders and skilled trade workers in the science and craft of metal fabrication.

  1. Comprehensive Training

EL-Totuoma Weld School (EWS) offers everything you need for your welding & cutting, filler metals, automation, weld fume control and safety & ppe needs.

  1. Our Instructors

Our instructors are Red Seal Certified Welders who have had extensive field experience. The field experience along with the Red Seal Certification is a valuable aspect in relating the theory and practical aspect of welding to the actual work place environment.

  1. Education

Education/Training at El-Totuoma International Services Limited Welding Academy is delivered in two (2) comfortable environments, the welding theory is presented in a classroom setting and the practical welding training is presented and practiced on the workshop floor which simulates a workplace environment. We believe this is the best approach in developing good workplace knowledge, ethics and habits.